


About us

Association “Ecoworld Rhodopes” mission is the development of human values in young people and civil society, preservation of ecological balance in the Rhodopes, development and enrich the cultural and educational life of young people. Objectives – to help create an informed public opinion; to promote concrete initiatives and actions for strengthening of civil society in solving environmental problems; education of the public in the spirit of democracy and accelerating the democratic changes in the country to build environmental responsibility; promote and support education and creative development of children and young people in volunteering and universal values in all aspects; development of creative talents of children and youths in personal plan, in the arts, sports, science and culture; providing access to information, protection of the environment; protection of human rights to live in clean environment; formation, development and strengthening of civil society in environmental protection; education of children and youth in the traditions of the Bulgarian spirit in relation to nature; to contribute to the creation of a developed civil society.